A territory 3 times like France for a population of 3 million inhabitants … the high plateau that stretches from the Taiga of Siberia to the Desert of Gobi and the Altai Mountains to the eastern steppes … a wild land of flocks in freedom total … a country people of the nomads … a soil of the warriors … a history of the Great Empire of Genghis Khan … a pass of socialist times … a democracy today … a promising future

Mongolia is a country where it is difficult to travel alone, because of the language and the lack of classical landmarks (signs, public transport…).

We have many great options for lodging in the countryside and in cities, so be sure to go through each of them to help grasp what you want to experience throughout your journey.

Food & Dining
Almost all our trips are full board and include 3 meals and 1.5L of mineral water per day and per person (the extras are charged).

The most common vehicles for road trips here are Russian 4 × 4 (jeep UAZ 69, and its namesake mini-van). These vehicles certainly are amazing…